We have had the pleasure of providing wraparound care to the Parents and Children of High Wycombe C of E Combined School since 2018.
Please see below for more information about our club and how to Register and Book. Should you have any Questions please call us on 07841 018726 and we will be very happy to assist.
Ofsted Registration Number : EY562486
Telephone Numbers
For Booking and Enquiries : 07841 018726 LINES OPEN MON - FRI 9.00AM -3.00PM
To speak to a Team Member at the Club during Opening Times: 07598 359844
Open from 07.30am
Open till 6.00pm
BREAKFAST CLUB LOCATION The Club is located in the School Hall. DROP OFF DETAILS If dropping off BEFORE 8.00am please come through the playground and ring the doorbell on the outside door which lead to the hall. If dropping off AFTER 8.00am please come through reception and through the school to gain access to the hall. THE TEAM The club is Managed by Tracey who is one of Our Designated Safeguarding officers and who is First Aid Trained, as well as holding Safeguarding, Prevent and FGM Certification. DAILY SCHEDULE Upon arrival, the children will be offered Breakfast consisting of a choice of cereal, along with toast with various toppings and yogurt. BREAKFAST FINISHES AT 8.10AM to allow time to tidy up. Once finished eating the children are free to play games and take part in art and craft activities, or just sit down and read a book. HANDOVER WITH THE SCHOOL – ENSURING YOUR CHILDS SAFETY Depending on your child's Year, the children will be taken to the playground once a Staff Member from the School is present or sent directly to their class room. Should you wish us to pass on any messages to your child's teacher please let us know so that can be done.
AFTER SCHOOL CLUB LOCATION The Club is located in the School Hall, however on days when the hall is used by other clubs the club will start in the ICT room and move to the hall at 4.30pm PICK UP DETAILS Please enter the playground and come to the School Hall. Weather permitting the club will be outside until 4.30pm otherwise they can be found in either the Hall or ICT room. Please call the club mobile 07598 359844 should you have problems locating us. HANDOVER WITH THE SCHOOL – ENSURING YOUR CHILDS SAFETY We provide the School with a Register of those attending to ensure your child reaches us safely. THE TEAM The club is Managed by Tracey who is one of Our Designated Safeguarding officers and who is First Aid Trained, as well as holding Safeguarding, Prevent and FGM Certification. DAILY SCHEDULE Once all children have arrived and the register has been taken, we all go outside and play until 4.30PM. This allows children to get some fresh air and give them the opportunity for physical activity such as football, skipping, rounders etc. We also have areas where the children can just sit and talk outside should they be tired after their day at School. During the warmer months we may also set up arts and craft activities outside. We do ask that you send your child in with the appropriate clothing such as hat, coat, gloves and scarves during the winter and a hat during the summer as we will always try and get outside unless it is not safe to do so or is heavily raining. Around 4.30PM a Snack is served where the children are encouraged to make their own choices as to what they eat whilst they sit in groups overseen by a Team Member and they are encouraged to prepare their own food in line with Ofsted best practice. Please see Key information above for our Menu. Water is available throughout the entire session and during tea a choice of Water and Sugar Free Squash is provided. WE DO NOT provide biscuits or cake. Please note that due to allergies of other children we CANNOT allow children to eat food brought in from outside the Club. We cater for all allergies and religious and dietary requirements. After Snack, the children will either have access to outside games or a choice of inside board games, arts and crafts, small world or space to sit quietly and read or do homework.
REGISTERING To use our clubs YOU MUST REGISTER WITH US FIRST. If you have more than 1 child you can add them once your account is set up on the Home Page of the Booking System. PLEASE CLICK THE BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE TO REGISTER.
MAKING A BOOKING Please click the button at the bottom of the page to book.
A FEW TIPS WHEN REGISTERING Whilst the Registration process is quite straight forward, we have noticed a couple of areas we wish to draw your attention to. 1. Emergency Contacts - You will be asked for 2 contacts in addition to yourself in order to be able to register. Should you not have 2 extra contacts, please add your own name followed by a number 1 or 2 so the names differ. 2. Drop down boxes - Please ensure you read and answer the following 3 questions carefully as an incorrect answer will delay your booking until Authorised by us. DOES your child have an EPIPEN, INHALER or other MEDICATION that is prescribed to them. - Medicine at Club Does your child have any Food or Other Allergies. - ALLERGIES I consent to any emergency medical treatment necessary whilst my child is at Quackers Out of School Clubs. I authorise the Manager to seek any necessary emergency medical advice or treatment.-Emergency Medical Treatment
MEDICATION AT CLUB We ask that if your child has medication such as an Epipen, that you supply us with the medication for safekeeping and you must complete and return to THE CLUB a hard copy of the ADMINISTERING MEDICINE FORM, which can be found above in KEY INFORMATION, along with any care plan that your child might have. We are unable to take your child without access to their medication.
AUTHORISED COLLECTORS When registering you will be asked for three Emergency Contacts. These contacts will automatically be authorised to collect your child. Should you wish to ADD FURTHER AUTHORISED COLLECTORS you can add these on your Home Page once registered, under the section AUTHORISED COLLECTORS’ at the bottom. PLEASE NOTE we CANNOT RELEASE YOUR CHILD to anyone unless named as an emergency contact or authorised collector, even with a password.
BOOKING DEADLINE The LATEST you can add bookings for the following week is 23.59Hrs on the Sunday in the week PRIOR to the required session. You can however book in advance for any further dates. Example - Bookings for Monday 13th September must be made by 23.59Hrs on Sunday 12th September.
EARLY BIRD DEADLINE Bookings for the following Month must be made and paid for by 23.59Hrs on the 21st of the current month to qualify for the Early Bird Rate.
PAYMENT METHODS Payment can be made via CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD, Childcare Vouchers or Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) IMPORTANT - Childcare Vouchers and Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) If paying by Voucher or TFC, payments must be sent to us before they can be used to pay for any sessions. Please contact us should you need our voucher reference numbers. Please allow 6 working days for Vouchers and TFC to reach us and be credited to your account. A credit balance will be displayed on your account once processed. If using TFC for the first time, please email your name, child's name and TFC reference number to info@quackersoutofschoolclubs.co.uk so we can allocate your payment.
WHAT IF MY CHILD GOES TO ANOTHER CLUB FIRST? If coming to us later from ANY other Club, you will need to liaise directly with them to ensure your child is brought to Quackers as WE DO NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR A CHILD UNTIL THEY ARRIVE AT OUR CLUB. You MUST add a note online next to each session booked where your child will be going to another club before they come to quackers. so we do not go looking for them straight after school. This can be done as follows. 1.Logging into your booking account, 2.Go onto your SUMMARY Tab where you will see all sessions booked. 3.Click on (+Add notes) next to the session in question, this will allow you to add notes and then save them. If done correctly you should then see the note next to the session. 4.Please include Club name (eg. Dance) and the other Club times. 5.THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE for EACH day throughout the term that this relates to as it will not copy across from one session to the next.
CANCELLATION POLICY Sessions cancelled ONLINE with 8 or more days notice will be credited to your account. Credits are non refundable. Sessions cancelled with less than 8 days notice will not be credited back. We will not credit sessions for non attendance.
HOW TO CANCEL A SESSION? If your child is not coming to a booked session/s Parent/carer’s MUST cancel sessions online AT LEAST 30 minutes before the start of the club. This can be done by logging in to your booking account , going to the SUMMARY Tab and cancelling the required session. If cancelling with LESS than 30 minutes notice, as well as cancelling online, you MUST CALL THE CLUB (numbers ABOVE in Key Information) and inform them. .